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Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice

Associate of Arts Degree

犯罪活动的规模和不断变化的复杂性决定了需要具有广泛教育经验的刑事司法人员. 该计划包括大学课程中的通识教育课程, specialized Criminal Justice core courses, essential interdisciplinary offerings, and suggested Criminal Justice requirements.

应用科学副学士课程旨在满足职前和在职刑事司法人员作为最终学位的需求. Alternately, 艺术副学士课程完成了许多四年制刑事司法课程的最初两年课程.

希望从事惩教工作的个人可以通过选择某些惩教推荐课程从本课程中受益. 那些计划从事矫正咨询或管理工作的学生也应该计划参加研究生学习.

Course Number Course Credits
CRMJ 1020Intro to Policing3
CRMJ 2100Politics & Judicial Process3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
CRMJ 2280Criminal Procedure3
CRMJ 2210Criminal Law3
CRMJ 2350Intro to Corrections3
CRMJ 2400Criminology3
CRMJ 2465Research Methods in Criminal Justice3
CRMJ & HSEC Program Electives


Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) (in program)
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS 3 credits
HUM 3 credits
LSCI 4 credits
MATH 3 credits
ORAL 3 credits
SOC 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60

Criminal Justice

Associate of Applied Science

犯罪活动的规模和不断变化的复杂性决定了需要具有广泛教育经验的刑事司法人员. 应用科学副学士课程旨在满足职前和在职刑事司法人员作为最终学位的需求. Alternately, 艺术副学士课程完成了许多四年制刑事司法课程的最初两年课程. 

Students must take 39 credits of Criminal Justice and Homeland Security courses.
Course Number Course Credits
CRMJ 1005Law Enforcement Health and Wellness3
CRMJ 1020Intro to Policing3
CRMJ 1170Law Enforcement/Ethics,justice3
CRMJ 2000Court Testimony and Report Writing3
CRMJ 2010Use of Force3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
CRMJ 2130Criminal Investigation I3
CRMJ 2135Criminal Investigation II3
CRMJ 2320Mental Wellness for Law Enforcement3
CRMJ 2420Juvenile Justice3
Additional CRMJ and HSEC courses 
Additional CRMJ courses 


Writing Level I (WR1)

3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI 3 credits
学生必须完成两(2)个不同通识教育领域的六(6)个学分的通识教育课程, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 61


The Criminal Justice Certificate I, Corrections Option, 是为了满足对惩教工作感兴趣的学生的需要而设计的吗. 刑事司法系统的规模和不断变化的复杂性, criminal activities, 社会上的惩教系统要求刑事司法人员具有批判性思维,并有权在回应惩教人员的独特需求时做出道德决定. 该计划包括大学课程的通识教育课程和刑事司法课程,重点是为学生在当今复杂的惩戒环境中追求入门级或高级管理职位做好准备.

The Criminal Justice Certificate I, Corrections, 是为了帮助刑事司法领域的职业发展而量身定制的吗.

Total Credit Hours: 37 Program Requirements
Course Number Course Credits
CRMJ 1005Law Enforcement Health and Wellness3
CRMJ 1020Intro to Policing3
CRMJ 1170Law Enforcement/Ethics,justice3
CRMJ 2000Court Testimony and Report Writing3
CRMJ 2010Use of Force3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
CRMJ 2320Mental Wellness for Law Enforcement3
CRMJ 2350Intro to Corrections3
CRMJ 2365Community Based Corrections3
CRMJ 2420Juvenile Justice3
General Education Requirements
Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL3 credits


3 credits
UNST1 credits

The Criminal Justice Certificate I, Law Enforcement Option, 是为了满足有兴趣成为执法人员的学生的需要而设计的吗. 在我们的社会中,刑事司法系统和犯罪活动的规模和不断变化的复杂性决定了刑事司法人员需要批判性地思考,并有权做出道德决定. 该计划包括大学课程的通识教育课程和刑事司法课程,重点是为学生在当今复杂的执法领域追求入门级或晋升为监督职位做好准备.

The Criminal Justice Certificate I, Law Enforcement Option, 是专门为推进执法事业而量身定制的吗.

Total Credit Hours: 37 Program Requirements
Course Number Course Credits
CRMJ 1005Law Enforcement Health and Wellness3
CRMJ 1020Intro to Policing3
CRMJ 1170Law Enforcement/Ethics,justice3
CRMJ 2000Court Testimony and Report Writing3
CRMJ 2010Use of Force3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
CRMJ 2210Criminal Law3
CRMJ 2130Criminal Investigation I3
CRMJ 2420Juvenile Justice3
CRMJ 2320Mental Wellness for Law Enforcement3
General Education Requirements
Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL3 credits


3 credits
UNST1 credits

The Criminal Justice Certificate I, School Resource Officer Option, 是为有兴趣成为学校资源主任的学生而设计的吗. 刑事司法系统的规模和不断变化的复杂性, the juvenile justice system, 我们社会中的犯罪活动要求刑事司法人员具有批判性思维,并在应对青少年群体的独特需求时有权做出道德决定. 该计划包括大学课程中的通识教育课程和刑事司法课程,重点是为学生作为学校资源官员的职业做好准备.

The Criminal Justice Certificate I, School Resource Officer Option, 是专门为帮助推进刑事司法系统的职业生涯与刑事司法领域的研究证书.

Total Credit Hours: 34 Program Requirements
Course Number Course Credits
CRMJ 1005Law Enforcement Health and Wellness3
CRMJ 1020Intro to Policing3
CRMJ 1170Law Enforcement/Ethics,justice3
CRMJ 2000Court Testimony and Report Writing3
CRMJ 2010Use of Force3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
CRMJ 2320Mental Wellness for Law Enforcement3
CRMJ 2400Criminology3
CRMJ 2420Juvenile Justice3
General Education Requirements:
Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL3 credits


3 credits
UNST1 credits

刑事司法证书II专为有志于成为执法人员的学生而设. 刑事司法系统和社会犯罪活动的规模和不断变化的复杂性要求本证书课程提供的基础教育,以授权那些在或进入该专业的人对执法人员不断变化的需求作出反应. 该计划包括大学课程的通识教育课程和刑事司法课程,重点是培养学生在当今复杂的刑事司法环境中从事入门级职位.



Total Credit Hours: 15

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
CRMJ 1005Law Enforcement Health and Wellness3
CRMJ 1020Intro to Policing3
CRMJ 1170Law Enforcement/Ethics,justice3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
CRMJ 2320Mental Wellness for Law Enforcement3


Building a Future in Criminal Justice

乐天堂app刑事司法计划为追求刑事司法教育的个人提供多样化的职业道路. 毕业生可以从事各种有回报的职业,包括:

Public Safety, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, Victim Assistance, Law Enforcement, Crime Prevention, Loss Prevention, Court Administration, 试验过程和研究与政策制定

对于那些想继续深造的人, 可以选择转学到四年制学院或大学, 为刑事司法部门的高级职业机会敞开大门.


Read BUCKRAIL article here

Meet Your Professor

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Profile image of Todd Byerly

Todd Byerly

Instructor of Criminal Justice

Chief of Police, Douglas, Wyoming

Profile Photo of Michelle Weber

Michelle Weber

Adjunct Instructor

Chief of Police, Jackson, Wyoming

Mackenzie Fuller

Adjunct Instructor

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Andrew Hanson

Adjunct Instructor

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Russ Ruschill

Adjunct Instructor

Lieutenant, Jackson, Wyoming